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The Brotherhood

The Brotherhood ministry is committed to “Making Brothers, Supporting Fathers & Encouraging Husbands.”  This commitment is pursued through a variety of initiatives including the: Brotherhood Empowerment Class; Brotherhood Worship Service; Brotherhood Prayer; and Brotherhood Fellowship & Young Men’s Mentoring. The Brotherhood is dedicated to making men’s experiences at Center of Hope positive, encouraging, and one that creates a desire for a deeper relationship with God and other believers.


Deacon Board                                                  

The work of the ministry is focused on the stewardship of the congregation.  It consists of a board of Godly men devoted to the mission of the church and whose goals are to help the church prosper and assist in the up-building of the congregation. Their focus is to provide much needed assistance to the Pastor in the care and maintenance of the building, the grounds, care of the congregation, and needs of the church during various services.  They provide service whenever and wherever required, in fulfilling his charge to the flock.



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